Monday 18 March 2019

Different marketing environment that affects marketing management

Marketing management is the art to advertise the products and services ultimately spreading the words in such a way that the customers are accustomed to the products and they are convinced to buy the products. There are several factors that the Different marketing environment that affects marketing Management as well as the firm’s functioning. These factors come under the marketing environment. In general, marketing environment includes various factors that affect the firm’s operations internally as well as externally and restrict the firm to serve or maintain a healthy relationship with targeted customers.
Internal environment consists of the internal factors of the firm affecting the marketing environment such as employees, assets (like plant and machinery), products served, policies, as well as the structure of the organisation. Such factors are easily controllable by the firm.
The factors that affect the firm externally and which are uncontrollable especially when preparing the marketing strategies come under the external environment. The external environment is further divided into two parts:
a)   Micro Environment
The factors which affect the decision making and the firm’s performance fall under the micro environment. Listed below are the factors under the micro environment which affect the marketing:
  • Customers
Customers are at the heart of an organisation. Without the customers, marketing strategies will remain incomplete since they play quite an imperative role in b2b as well as in b2c trade. The customers define the reasons why they should procure the products and how the product serves their wants.
  • Competition
There are various competitors in the market that sell homogeneous products.  The marketing strategy of the company is prepared after understanding how the customers approach the competitors or they approach their customers, at what price do they vend the product and any product differentiation if present.
  • Suppliers
Suppliers are quite important for any organisation because they provide the firm with the required goods. The firm’s success depends upon the quality of goods. Both the quality and quantity of goods is the key to the success of the firm that is provided by the supplier and the supplier’s power depends upon his reputation in the market.
b)     Macro Environment
The demographic, technological or physical factors or forces which affect the decision making and the firm’s performance fall under macro environment. Listed below are the factors under micro environment which affect the marketing environment:
  • Demographic Factors
Marketing strategies are affected by various demographic factors such as country, lifestyle, ethnicity, didactic levels. It is mainly dependent on the nature and volume of the population, per capita income of the people as well as the migration of the people in urban areas.
  • Technology Factors
Gradually, enhanced technology is changing the business environment. People are becoming more addicted to the internet and are adopting online businesses. Since competition is growing, the main challenge for a company is to stop selling obsolete products and continuously bringing novelty in their technology.
  • Political Environment
The political environment is bringing changes as more and more companies are leaving behind the socialistic system and going after the market-based system. However, before starting its business in a particular country, a company must clearly investigate its tax policy, competition policy as well as speculation policy to continue its successful and uninterrupted run.
Closing Notes
So, these were the factors that the marketing manager must consider before formulating any marketing strategy. At MIT School of Distance Education (MIT-SDE), we train our students to create effective marketing strategies by considering all the essential factors that are a part of the marketing environment. We offer Distance MBA course in Marketing Management whereby the managerial skills and knowledge of candidates is enhanced so that they can immediately get absorbed in the industry after the completion of course.  So, what are you waiting for? Enhance your employ ability skills with MIT-SDE’s distance learning course.

Friday 8 March 2019

10 business ethics every manager should possess

A manager is the biggest asset of any organisation as he is the real decision maker for the organisation and he can make or break an organisation. Apart from exploiting his knowledge and expertise, a manager needs to exhibit business ethics at all times to close the deals, get the work done effectively and to ensure a long-term relationship with the clients, which in turn, ensures a success fulrun of the business. Here are 10 business ethics/ values that every manager must possess to succeed in his tasks.
1.     Integrity
It is integrity that lays the foundation of a long-term relationship. A manager is a leader for his team members, so he should exhibit honesty and integrity at all times. The team members must have complete faith and trust in the dedication, honesty, commitment,actions of their manager and follow him without a doubt. So, the managers must be honest, open and consistent in their actions in order to win the trust of their subordinates.
2.     Willingness to take the risk
The managers must be risk takers. They should have the ability to analyse all the options carefully and be bold enough to take calculated risks. In fact, the managers must be ready to take risks, learn from their mistakes and take on the impending challenges audaciously.
3.     Optimism and Enthusiasm
The task of a team leader is to inspire his team members. He should be enthusiastic enough then only he can motivate his team members. Furthermore, he should have a positive attitude. A manager should know how to get things done and he should be solution-oriented. Maintaining a positive attitude in the workplace keeps everyone inspired.
4.     Commitment to Growth
The process of learning is never-ending. So, a manager should always be in the process of learning in order to grow both professionally and personally. A manager should be well acquainted with the ongoing trends in the market and should get himself as well as his team accustomed to cutting-edge tools and techniques.
5.     Vision and Pragmatism
Setting goals is the key task of a manager. A manager must create a detailed plan and avoid ambiguous and vague vision. It is the task of a manager to ensure that he sets realistic goals. A manager must have the ability to articulate his vision clearlyto all his team members. He should be practical in all the decisions that he makes.
6.     Responsibility
A leader at all times should take full responsibility for all the actions performed by the team. He should stand firmly beside the commitments that he makes and never let his team down. A manager should also refrain from putting the blame on any team member and rather be accountable for the team.
7.     Law Abiding
There are certain laws and regulations that need to be followed while performing business activities. Thus, the managers must be accustomed to all the laws pertaining to the business and they should abide by them.
8.     Fairness
A manager should carry out all the dealings with the utmost level of fairness. Neither he should use indecent means to gain advantage nor should he take undue advantage of other’s flaws. He should treat everyone in the team equally and never be biased towards any team member. At all times, a manager must be just, open-minded and ready to accept his faults.
9.     Respect for others
A manager must respect the thoughts, rights, privacy, interests, perspectives of all the team members and the people who have a share in his decision. He should treat everyone equally irrespective of their cast, creed, race or origin.
10. Commitment to Excellence
Organisational efficiency should be the prime aim of a manager. He should perform all his duties with excellence and ensure that he is prepared and well informed at all times. A manager should constantly end eavour to enhance his skills.
Merely completing a managerial course is not sufficient to do full justice with the job of a manager. You need to master business ethics to seal the deal and shine in the field. These were some of the ethics that are exhibited by successful managers. At MIT School of Distance Education (MIT-SDE), we instill these business ethics in all our candidates so that they are immediately absorbed in the industry after course completion.